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more about me 

I'm just your average teenage girl that lives in Sydney, Australia. I love creating recipes and living a healthy life. I enjoy playing sports especially soccer and I love to act ! I'm going to be sharing every little part of my journey with you guys we are not just a community but are a family!


 Since around last year I wasn't in the best state of mind. I wasn't eating good I just kept stuffing bad food into me, no exercise and no self love. It wasn't until around half a year ago when I knew it was time for a change. I wanted to love myself and feel confident, change my eating habits and starting looking after my wellbeing more. Trust me when I say this that I was so much more of a happier more of a  positive person after changing my lifestyle. Yes I'm not where I want to be yet but each day I get closer to my goal, and yes some days I did let myself go and started slipping back into my old routines but I always asked me 'why are you doing this to yourself ' i feel so much better when i'm living in a healthy lifestyle so why keep doing that. Don't ride yourself off so easily, you can do anything you want in life if you want something you will get it, it just might take time and a lot of sweat and tears, literally. This is why I'm creating this website/instagram to have a community that builds each other up, each and everyone of you reading this is beautiful and I truely truely from the bottom of my heart mean this YOU ARE I know that sometimes when I hear that I say to myself that 'no actually I'm not' but you know what, you actually are though!


I will be sharing you my highs and my lows. Healthy recipes and meal plans that you can try. Fitness routines I create and try. How to love yourself and feel confident. My experiences with different products and diets. I want to create this not only for me as a person dairy but for you guys more so because I want you to feel like you're not alone, because your not !! I'm constantly judging myself saying 'if only i was skinnier ' or 'what if i had no pimples' when to be honest every little thing about you is like no one else, why would you want to be perfect anyway it's boring. To be honest I'm not at a place yet where I can truly say that I'm very confident or I completely love myself yet or i'm completely happy most of the time. For example.. I love acting, I love to portray another person be in a different world and explore new things but I always always get anxious, but if you don't step out of your comfort zones every now and then you won't experience you biggest success. I love to live of this quote when thinking to myself that I can't do this ' a goal should scare you a little and excite you alot' and that is exactly what it is it's always scary putting yourself out there but you won't achieve your dreams if you don't try. This is what I'm doing now putting out all my feelings and that scares me but I'll never know if i succeed unless I give it a shot . I want to keep on learning new things each day so I can give you what I truly think are the best things to achieve your healthy lifestyle. So come on and join me in this crazy roller coaster and lets share it together. 


-hayley xx

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